Benefits of Coriander Seeds

June 24, 2022by admin0


The dried fruits of the coriander plant are coriander seeds. They are also sometimes referred to as cilantro seeds, a common spice found in a variety of international cuisines. When the fruits dry up, their green color changes to a brownish yellow color which is referred to as coriander seeds. They are exceptionally oily seeds with over 25% of their weight in fatty oils. In India, the seeds are typically dried and sold in markets. Particularly when they are toasted, coriander seeds have a unique fragrance. There are many benefits of coriander seeds which are considered to be crucial in daily routine.

Without coriander seeds, no spice rack is complete. It is an all-time favorite spice due to its vibrant lemon-like flavor! But this culinary staple can do more than just add flavor to your food. The ancient Ayurvedic medical system claims that coriander seeds can improve your health. It is extremely adaptable to use and is available in both whole and powder form.

Check out these benefits of coriander seeds to see how you can find value from this spice.

Antioxidant Properties

The seeds of coriander have a good source of antioxidants and free radical scavenging properties. It has been said that consuming coriander seeds powder helps reactivate antioxidant enzymes and prevents peroxidative damage.

The coriander seed extract was found to have the highest levels of free radical scavenging properties and radical reducing power at a dosage of 50 mg.

Good for Diabetic patients

Coriander seeds can lower serum glucose levels, which is beneficial for diabetic patients. Consuming coriander seeds for 45 days led to a significant drop in cholesterol, creatinine, and blood glucose levels, according to a study. Additionally, there was a decrease in kidney Glycation end products.

Improves Thyroid condition

Consider consuming coriander seeds if you suffer from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Due to the abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, the benefits of coriander seeds include hormone modulation. Your diet can benefit greatly from a coriander tea, smoothie, or glass of water.

Helps in Weight loss

If you eat foods that boost your metabolism and burn fat, you can lose weight. Coriander seed is your new best friend if you’re attempting to reduce weight. 3 tablespoons of soaked coriander seeds in a glass of water should be simmered until they are reduced by half. Drink the filtered water twice a day. It will improve your immunity and digestion, which will aid in weight loss.

Improves digestion

Gastrointestinal issues? One of the biggest advantages of coriander seeds is to reduce inflammation. This means it can reduce gas, bloating, and other symptoms of an inflamed digestive system. Additionally, your intestines will be better able to absorb nutrients. Make a smoothie using coriander seeds. Mix ice, coconut milk, and additional cooling items like cucumber or watermelon with a spoonful of coriander seeds.

Reduces Swelling

Linoleic acid, found in coriander, has anti-rheumatoid and anti-arthritis properties, which are highly effective for swelling caused due to these two conditions. Cineole, one of the components of essential oils, is found in coriander seeds.

It is thought to be beneficial in some ways for people, such as those with swelling which arises due to nonfunctional kidneys or anemia, as some of the ingredients help in the body’s water excretion.

Rich in Minerals

Excellent sources of minerals like magnesium, iron, calcium, copper, calcium, zinc, and potassium can be found in coriander seeds. The primary element required for the production of red blood cells is copper.

Red blood cell formation and cell metabolism both require the element iron. Another crucial element, zinc, is needed for digestion and nucleic acid production.

In addition to controlling body fluids and cells, potassium also aids in controlling blood pressure and heart rate. The body uses the metal manganese to create superoxide dismutase, a powerful antioxidant enzyme.

Prevents Menstrual Disorders

It is one of the most well-known and widely used natural treatments for menstruation. Coriander seed also helps in treating an excessive menstrual cycle. It has a property that helps in appropriate hormone secretion and proper emission from the endocrine glands. In addition to this, it also encourages regular menstrual cycles and decreases period pain.


Coriander seeds are being used worldwide for centuries without any side effects for both culinary and medical purposes. Srikanth Industries specializes in providing its customers with wide varieties of Pulses, Flours, Rice, Cereals, Raw spices, Spices Powders and Blended Powders.

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